The buzz about Eductika, by our customers and the press
Eductika is used by leading higher education establishment worldwide as well as Continuing training center. Just out of curiosity, what do they say about Eductika?
a positive effect on student's motivation
"This is a really valuable product. It allows one to translate from concept into practice at the same time. This has a very positive effect on student's motivation"
Christian Ripoll - associate professor -
"quick and easy” PCB building blocks
"An instructional toolkit, which allows new engineers to develop their circuit design skills with ”quick and easy” PCB building blocks for prototyping"
David Vye Microwave Journal
get the feel for how microwave circuits work
"Walking the exhibit hall at IMS2014 last week, I saw numerous active and passive devices in addition to test equipment. How do those passive devices stand up to microwave frequencies? Students looking to learn microwave circuit concepts and use education kits from Eductika. You can use the kits with signals up to 3 GHz. That's enough to get the feel for how microwave circuits work."
Martin Rowe EDN Network
a modern approach that fully corresponds to methods and tools used by the industry
"The explosion of RF and microwave technologies due to the multiplication of wireless services places a great deal of importance on engineering students understanding what happens when digital signals transport data via RF technology. Eductika integrates the compact Anritsu VNA Master family into an innovative solution that allows students to learn – through a hands-on environment – the fundamentals of the theory, simulation, implementation and measurement of RF technology. Professors now have a turnkey solution that uses a modern approach that fully corresponds to methods and tools used by the industry."
Dave Bolan Anritsu
Educational Kit Helps Simplify The RF Puzzle
"Curricula centered around teaching the fundamentals of radio-frequency (RF) technology theory, simulation, implementation, and measurement has a new weapon in the arsenal—the Eductika teaching kit developed by Elliptika."